About Us

Downstats shows the latest status and outage information from all kinds of service providers. Our site allows user to report current problem of service providers. By gathering reports from all the user, we make an analysis of whether the outage is currently happening or not.

What is an Outage?

An outage is a temporary disruption in the normal operation of a service or system, which can be caused by various factors such as power failures, network issues, or equipment or software problems. These outages can affect a diverse range of services and systems, including electrical power grids, telecommunications networks, and online platforms.

During an outage, the service or system may be completely unavailable or may experience reduced functionality. Outages can be frustrating and inconvenient for users, and in some cases, they may also result in financial losses for businesses or organizations.

We are here to help user and company by providing information about service outages. By quickly knowing about outage reports, user can also immediately report these disruptions to the company, so that they can be handled more efficiently.

One report from the user usually does not indicate an outage. However, a large number of reports indicate an outage is happening. Currently, we track thousands of service providers worldwide, and more will be added over time.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help. We'd love to hear from you!

Thank you. Have a good day!

Best Regards,


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